As the political season has begun and the debates are heating up, we have heard more and more about the …
Are Businesses the New Banks?
More than half of all cash on the books at corporations is invested in investment grade corporate bonds. The record …
Government Mandated Price Floors Are Making Immediate Impacts
Here is a clear illustration of why price manipulation hurts the economy: The state of California has steadily increased employment …
What CPI Tells Us About Prices
The FED justified its aggressive monetary policy in 2010 as a way to “promote a stronger pace of economic recovery”. …
And You Thought Credit Cards Were Bad?
In an effort to make college more affordable, the Federal Government first made it easier to get a loan. This …
Cars Are Gold
A shoebox in your closet is usually a pretty safe place to keep your money, unless there is a fire …
Which Parent Would You Save From A Fire?
Are moms loved more than dads? Do kids secretly have favorites, just like parents? A quick glance at spending on …
Blame Baby Boomers for Stagnant Income
Between 2009 and 2014, 5.5 million people retired in America – the largest number ever seen across a five year …
“B” is for Below Average
Should you be proud of your straight-A student or disappointed with an all B report card? As a result of …
The Most Dangerous Job in Sports
If you think playing in 120⁰ heat of Qatar would be miserable, how about those working all day constructing the …